Curious about what certain words mean when talking about Sex Toys?
Below are infographics to help you navigate the pleasure product industry! There’s a bunch of terminology used when describing sex toys and below are common words used in websites, blogs, reviews, and educational workshops.
There isn’t a lot of great sex education happening so not knowing these words and the benefits to them, comes at no surprise. Not all sex toys are created equally, so knowing what these words mean is important. You will be able to have a better overall experience and truly know what you are buying. Sex toys are an investment and can be new territory for many, so lets get into it…

Lube, Lube, Lube is your best friend [a hill I’m willing to die on]. There’s SO many benefits to using lube- from making the over all experience feel better to preventing the spread of STI’s to preventing micro tears, so grab a bottle!
Below are commonly used words when describing different lube options on the market.