Sensual Affirmations

Affirmations have the power to motivate you, encourage you, help you focus on accomplishing goals, and give you the power to change any negative thinking patterns by replacing them with positive thinking patterns and phrases.

Affirming things about yourself, pleasure, intimacy, and sexual goals can have a beneficial impact on your health and wellness. When it comes to sexuality and pleasure we have a lot of unpacking we need to do due to the negative shame-filled programming that we have been exposed to. These phrases will help you prioritize yourself and your pleasure.

You can either say these phrases to yourself or out loud, whichever you prefer.

Below is a list of Sensual Affirmations to assist you on your pleasure journey.

  • Pleasure is a gift and I deserve to receive it.

  • I am grateful for my body and the sexual pleasure it brings me.

  • I have released negative thoughts about my sexual desires and my body.

  • I will communicate my sexual desires, wants, and needs with my partner(s).

  • I welcome opportunities to learn and grow in the bedroom.

  • I am worthy of love and pleasure from myself and from others.

  • My body is a magnificent vessel for my sensual and sexual energy.

  • My sexual energy is nothing to be ashamed of.

  • I will give myself grace on this sexual journey.

These are only a few examples, you can adapt these however you need for your own personal satisfaction.

I have included an image below that you can download for future reference.


Talking a partner through orgasm.


New Year, New Sexual Goals!